Course - MIA 1001 : Medical Sciences 1; Stage 1

On completion of course, learners are able to:

  • Describe the normal and abnormal human structure, function and behaviour in relation to the diagnosis, principles of management and prevention of health problems (C2) (PO1) (BCS Theme)


  • Demonstrate the ability to interview, examine patients systematically and satisfactorily perform basic clinical procedures, recognizing the practical and therapeutic nature of the patient-doctor relationship (P2, A1), (PO2; PO3; PO4) (Pt-Dr Theme)


  • Identify the distribution of, risk factors and prevention of disease and injury, and contributing factors to the development and/or continuation of poor health for individuals and communities (C1), (PO1) (PopMed Theme)


  • Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively as a member of a team, accepting and providing leadership as appropriate, and the commitment to advancement of learning within a community of medical scholars (A1), (PO5) (PPD Theme)

This is s course that will introduce you to the challenges that you will face in medicine. You might think that the main challenge is acquiring the knowledge that you need to become a doctor. Whilst knowledge is an important component of all living, experience and the ability to think and analyse is for more so. In the coming years you will face a barrage of information and hurdles that will force you to accept all that is taught to you with not much room for contemplation. You may then proceed with your career thinking that you have all the answers. 

Take it from someone like me who has qualified in the UK and worked at Harvard and taught medical students and prostgraduate students for decades. You will not be prepared for a life in medicine unless you assess everything you do from the view of real results that you experience and explore the fonts of knowledge to glean a better view of the future. 

This course is designed to change your mindset. You will see that the method of teaching is by providing you with a problem and then guiding you to the information that you may find useful. You will not be able to satisfactorily solve the problem unless you read, analyse and think. Malaysia has more doctors than it needs. But it needs GOOD, INTELLIGENT AND CARING doctors. You will get to that level by treating ALL your patients as if they were your own brothers and sisters, parents and children. Medicine certainly does not have all the answers the ailments of mankind. When you understand this then you can start on your journey that will make you a great doctor. 

Session 2023/2024 Semester 2
(Group )